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(Paul Graham)(Fotografien 1981-2006)


Göttingen: SteidlMACK, Hardcover, 1st edition, 2009, German language.
Condition: Very good, Shelfwear, Rubbed edges, A few stains on front cover (See the photo.) Inside is excellent condition. 376pages. Heavy book

Shipped from Germany. No,return.

Paul Graham is the new edition of the 2009 book that showcased Graham’s work from 1981 to 2006 and accompanied a major travelling exhibition. Graham is a defining practitioner in art photography: he was the first to unite contemporary colour and social documentary photography, and his work in the early and mid 1980s transformed the black and white tradition that had previously dominated British photography. Since then Graham has redefined the possibilities of the medium in such progressive series as “End of an Age” (1996–98) and “a shimmer of possibility” (2004–06). Paul Graham includes an illustrated summary of his publications, showing the book to be an important medium in his practice. Paul Graham was born in England in 1956 and currently lives in New York. Graham has received numerous awards including a Eugene Smith Memorial Fellowship and has exhibited extensively, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and Tate Gallery in London. His books include Empty Heaven (1995), American Night (2003) and a shimmer of possibility (2007).